QSBS Before 5 Years & Beyond $10M

Extend and expand your Qualified Small Business Stock exemption regardless of hold period or gain amount.

Founders, employees, and investors can all benefit from QSBS rollovers

Defer Your Tax Bill, Exclude Your Gains

5-Year Hold Period: If you sold your stock before the 5-year hold required by the IRS for QSBS exclusion, a rollover is your only option for deferring, and later avoiding, a large gains tax bill.

$10M Exclusion Cap*: If you had a large exit and your gain exceeded the $10M exclusion cap for QSBS, a rollover can expand your QSBS eligibility with more liquidity and control than other common planning strategies such as Trust Stacking.

*Or 10x adjusted gross basis in the stock.

Keeping Gains in The Hands of Startup Founders and Investors

The founders, early employees, and investors who champion growth and innovation in our startup ecosystem deserve more value at exit.

While many shareholders are able to take advantage of some QSBS, very few realize it’s full potential, likely leaving $5B+ on the table every year.

Rollovers allow gain holders to extend and expand more of their QSBS eligibility even when exiting before 5 years or for more than $10M.

Less Tax Means More Cash in Your Pocket

QSBS Rollovers can net you up to 55% more cash from your stock sale and help you retain the tax benefits you thought were lost by selling early or “making too much”.

Our team is prepared with the expertise and resources to help you navigate every kind of QSBS-related issue. Whether you’re confident that your stock qualifies for the QSBS exclusion, aren’t sure how much, or you don’t even know if your stock is eligible, we can help!